Gazette Leader, Scott McCaffrey, Feb. 8, 2024 at 7:04am

The Arlington County Democratic Committee’s candidate roster filled out significantly Feb. 7, with a new County Board contender and three new School Board candidates launching bids in front of the party’s rank-and-file.
That brings to four, in each race, the number of announced candidates leading into springtime party primary/caucus season, and “we’re not over,” predicted county Democratic chair Steve Baker.
At the monthly Democratic meeting held at Lubber Run Community Center, Tenley Peterson announced plans to compete for County Board in the June 18 primary, joining a field that already includes James DeVita, Natalie Roy and Julie Farnam. Kathleen Clark, Larry Fishtahler and Zuraya Tapia-Hadley launched bids for School Board, joining Chen Ling in a race that will be decided in May caucus voting.
None of the incumbents whose seats are on the November 2024 ballot – County Board member Libby Garvey and School Board members Cristina Diaz-Torres and David Priddy – will be seeking re-election.
It’s getting a tad late for candidates to be hopping into the race (especially for School Board, where the filing deadline for the caucus is next week). But others could still join the fray.
J.D. Spain Sr., who last year finished fourth in a six-candidate Democratic County Board primary, has announced plans to run again, but did not deliver remarks to Democrats on Feb. 7.